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Success in cecil


Policy Change!

The MSPF2 Coalition worked to pass a policy change requiring all bartenders and supervisors to receive Responsible Beverage Service Training. Previously only 1 person per liquor license was required to have this training. Since it was passed in Annapolis in Spring of 2018 we have gone from less than 80 people p-re year receiving this training to over 800! This means a reduction in service to underage patrons and a reduction in over service. We are the only jurisdiction in Maryland to pass such a change in under 24 months! 


This fall, all 6th graders in Cecil County will receive Over-the-counter medication safety training during their North Bay Experience. This training will be provided by members of the Drug Free Cecil Youth Coalition who were certified as OTC trainers at CADCA.

Drug Deactivation kits!

With our partners at RALI RX we have put more than 40,000 drug deactivation kits into the hands of people with limited access to drug drop boxes, the elderly and residents in rural areas.

Community Events!

In 2017, over 1500 guests attended a Trunk-or-Treat and Drug Take back event held at Elkton High School. This event was a partnership between the local faith community and Drug Free Cecil and included guests from DEA, HIDTA, the White House Office of National Drug Control policy and local and state dignitaries. 

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Youth Leadership summit!

Every year, Drug Free Cecil holds an Annual Youth Leadership Summit at North Bay Adventure Camp where students from all 6 high schools learn leadership skills to change social norms within the schools and the community. While at North Bay, students create public service announcements relating to substance use prevention which are then shown on Comcast throughout the following year. 

DFC Youth Coalition!

In 2018, the Drug Free Cecil Youth Coalition was formed following the North Bay Cecil Leadership Summit. Youth from all six High Schools meet monthly to work on prevention strategies for the county. 

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